Merchant Services

Our partnership with Banc Card can cut your cost on merchant processing. Reach us at 844-FHB-EASY or send us a message.

Contact Us

Banc Card Logo

Banc Card

Transaction, authorization, processing and network services for credit and debit cards. Secure. Seamless. Refreshingly human.

Banc Card local representatives meet our customers face-to-face and listen to their needs. Their seasoned, professional team provides industry experience and knowledge, enabling them to recommend reliable solutions for your business. Banc Card understands the importance of trusted relationships and responds quickly to the needs of business owners. 

Banc Card Point of Sale Terminals

Point of Sale Terminals

We offer the latest terminals and equipment.

Banc Card Terminal Products

Gateway/Virtual Terminal Products

Customized software, gateway, e-commerce and integration solutions.

Banc Card Mobile Products

Mobile Products

We offer the latest in mobile credit card processing.

Banc Card Specialty Cards

Specialty Cards

Custom cards of all types - gift, loyalty, fleet and more.

Banc Card Approach

We will make a customized plan to fit any business. Yes, even your business.

  • Mobile/Point of Sale/Virtual terminals
  • E-commerce
  • Expedited funding available
  • 24/7 customer support
  • State of the art technology
  • Local, face-to-face service

Free Merchant Processing Consultation and Analysis

If you are interested in saving money on your payment card acceptance with Banc Card, click the button below for contact information of your nearest branch, or call us at 844-FHB-EASY!

Branch Info

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